Hi, I'm Alec, welcome to the home of my mature fics. While these stories are not particularly descriptive they do deal with adult issues and are what some may consider disturbing. In other words, here is where I torture the characters and put them through hell.

For each one of these stories you can choose to read the story straight or to read the author's notes and the spoilers beforehand. You do have a choice here so please don't blame me if you end up reading something that's not your cup of tea.

New this week (08-12-2006)
Battlestar Galactica To Walk Away Complete!
Stargate SG-1 Under Alien Skies - What Passes for Normal, Chapter 6

Battlestar Galactica (2003)
A series of scenes from Kara's childhood
Rating: 13+
Warnings: Non-descriptive references to child abuse
To Walk Away NEW & COMPLETE!
A short tag for the episode You Can't Go Home Again that takes place in the same universe as Shards
Rating: 13+
Warnings: Non-descriptive references to child abuse.
Added: August 12, 2006
Buffy, the Vampire Slayer
Friends and Foes COMPLETE!
AU version of the events depicted in the first half of the third season.
Rating: 15+
Warnings: Some disturbing content (see author's notes).
AU version of season six. What if Buffy had really been in hell?
Rating: 15+
Warnings: Some disturbing content (see author's notes).
Stargate SG-1
Under Alien Skies- Propagation COMPLETE!
Some secrets come to light. A first season fic.
Rating: 15+
Warnings: Some disturbing content (see author's notes).
Under Alien Skies- Snapshots UPDATED!
A series of short sequels to the story Under Alien Skies-Propagation
Rating: 15+
Active story: What Passes for Normal WIP
Last updated: August 12, 2006

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, I don't own the concepts, I make no money, I make no sense and I get no sleep. This is done for fun and I promise to put the characters back where I found them once I'm done playing with them.