Six months ago today I lost my friend of almost fourteen years. Yes, he was ‘just a cat’ and I should be over it by now, yadda-yadda-yadda… Well, I’m not. I still miss the little critter, so you get stuck with a bunch of photos (don’t worry, I don’t intend to make a habit of this).
At playAn afternoon napLike cats and dogsInto the distance
My proofs just arrived and they look great, so we are going live! (the books should be available in about a week, I’ll upload the update once they are)
Here I am, waiting for my books’ proofs, itching to hold them in my hands for the first time and see what they look like.
I remember when they were nothing but vague ideas in the back of my mind. I also remember seeing them take a more concrete form and grow up to be files… and now they are going to come to occupy a space in the physical world. It’s a big step, and yet I wonder if they are really ready. Continue reading Will someone read them?→
For well over ten years I have been maintaining a comparison of Print On Demand (POD) publishers. In those years the number of choices has expanded, new publishers have come along, while others have gone out of business, leaving quite a few authors in the lurch in the process. Through the years my first choice has remained constant: Virtual Bookworm… and yet when the time came for me to release my latest books I decided to go a different route, why? Continue reading Virtual Bookworm or CreateSpace?→
After thinking it over for a while I have finally decided to move the guide to POD to the ‘Old Stuff’ section, even though it is one of the site’s best known features. No, that does not mean I am going to abandon it, but it does mean it will no longer be a focal point, and while the comparison itself will still be updated, it is time I faced the fact that the articles in that section are looking hopelessly dated. Other than that, stay tuned!
And here we go, after fighting it long and hard I finally got around to setting up a blog to share some of the ideas that are rattling in my brain. This is my first post, one that is unlikely to be read, but hey, we all have to start somewhere!
As for other forms of social media, I will probably be joining Twitter in the near future, but that is the extent of it (I am a fairly private person so, no matter what happens, I’m not going to talk your ear off with constant updates).